Self Massage for Artists & Creatives: How to Massage Your Own Hands

You’re an artist. You create. Your number one tool is your hands. And sometimes hands get tired and achy. Below is a step by step guide on how to perform self massage to relieve some tension that may occur in your hands and fingers. You can perform the following steps on yourself or have a family or friend perform it on your hands for you.

  1. Start by washing your hands thoroughly with soap and water to ensure they are clean.

  2. Find a comfortable place to sit and relax, and make sure your hands are supported.

  3. Begin by rubbing your hands together to warm them up. If needed you can use your favorite hand cream, lotion, or hand/body oil.

  4. Take one hand and use the thumb of your other hand to press and massage the palm of your hand. Use circular motions and apply firm pressure, working your way from the base of your hand to your fingertips.

  5. Move on to your fingers and use your thumb and forefinger to gently massage each finger from base to tip.

  6. Use your thumb to apply pressure to the base of your thumb and work your way down to the wrist, using a circular motion.

  7. Use your fingers to gently pull each finger back, stretching the muscles in your hand.

  8. Repeat the process with the other hand.

  9. You can also use a small ball, such as a tennis ball, to roll over the palm and fingers of your hand, applying gentle pressure as you go.

  10. Finish by taking a few deep breaths and relaxing your hands, letting go of any tension.

Performing self-massage on your hands can be a great way to relieve tension and improve circulation, especially after long hours of creative work. Remember to take breaks and listen to your body's needs to avoid overuse injuries.


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