Self Massage for Artists: Using a Foam Roller for Your Back

As a creative, you spend a lot of time sitting at your desk working or creating. Sometimes you have big projects that may require you to be in awkward positions for a prolonged period of time. This can lead to tight muscles in your neck or upper back. If you’re looking for a bit of relief at home, you can use the following steps to perform self massage using a foam roller.

  1. Begin by lying on your back with the foam roller placed under your shoulder blades.

  2. Place your hands behind your head for support, or cross your arms over your chest.

  3. Slowly roll the foam roller down your spine, towards your lower back, keeping your core engaged and your hips lifted.

  4. When you reach your lower back, pause and hold the foam roller in place on any areas that feel particularly tight or tender.

  5. Slowly roll back up towards your shoulder blades, repeating the process several times.

  6. Next, move the foam roller to one side of your body and lie on your side with the roller placed under your ribcage.

  7. Use your top arm to support your head and your bottom arm to stabilize your body.

  8. Slowly roll the foam roller down towards your hip, pausing and holding the roller in place on any tight or tender spots.

  9. Roll back up towards your ribcage, repeating the process several times before switching to the other side.

  10. Finally, place the foam roller under your thighs and use your arms to support your body as you roll back and forth from your hips to your knees, focusing on any tight or sore areas.

Remember to breathe deeply and slowly throughout the massage, and stop if you experience any pain or discomfort. Self-massage with a foam roller can help relieve tension and tightness in your muscles, promoting relaxation and flexibility in your body.

Don’t have a foam roller or know which one to get? Click the button below to view my Amazon recommendations of foam rollers I have or recommend for patients.


Self Massage for Artists & Creatives: How to Massage Your Own Hands


General Tips for Self Massage for Artists